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Drsojodi's dental implant & cosmetic clinic

Dental Implant Surgery

Dental Implant Surgery

Dental Implant Surgery: In three steps, each of these steps should be important and all these steps should be taken. In the first step, you should find a good implant specialist and go to the clinic for advice.


Dental Implant Surgery


Dental Implant Surgery


Implant surgery is done in three steps, each of these steps must be important and all these steps have to be done.

first stage:
At this point you should find a good implant specialist. After finding the right implantologist, you should go to the clinic for advice in person and free of charge. After reviewing your visit, if you do not provide an opg photo, your dentist will send you to take a photo closer to the center for taking a picture (it's best to have an opg photo available before your dentist's presence). After taking a photo of an implant, your opg photo will tell you if you need a bone marrow.

If necessary, you will have an implant surgeon bone graft to give you one lift for sinus surgery. After an implant surgeon, the sinus surgeon will visit the body's anatomy for bone grafting, which will allow you to attend a bone graft absorption session The next time is implant surgery, usually between three and six months. If you do not need a sinus lift, the implant specialist will give you the time to take the implant surgery and tell you what action you should take on the surgery day.

second stage:
Do the actions your implant surgeon has given you.

These measures include:
If you have a smoker, you should not smoke at least one week before surgery because the gum and jaw bone can not absorb the implant. Of course, for this case, there are also solutions that are designed for implants for smokers who have a very high cost than other implants and are not affordable. If you have a specific illness, you should consult with your doctor if implant implants are not a problem for you. Eating breakfast before the practice is very necessary and necessary. If you do not like the breakfast you need for implant surgery, your pressure may decrease or so-called "weakened" and the implant surgery stops.

third stage
Your surgery day should be presented at the specialist implant center when given to you. You should not be stressed because your stress is in vain if you are careful about choosing your implant surgeon. An implant specialist throws an implanted surgical gown after your numbness. This time-dependent surgery depends on the number of implanted teeth. It takes about twenty minutes for each tooth. After implant surgery, the implant will prescribe the necessary medications for you, and will give you some tips.

Fourth stage:
Carry out the necessary health measures that the implant specialist has told you after surgery. Health measures like using mouthwash, brushing, and eating prescription drugs. Usually after your implant surgery, you go to your implant clinic one week after surgery to check up. In this session, the molding and the steps necessary to make the crown of the tooth is made. The next meeting will be sent to your implant surgeon for final work, and if you do not have a correction, your work will be completed. You need to go to your Implant Specialist's office once or twice a year to check-up.



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