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Gum Surgery

Gum Surgery

Gum Surgery: Sometimes it is necessary to practice gingivitis. For example, when pulling the tooth of the wisdom, we must surely break the gum, and this is one of the times that the need for this is necessary.


Gum Surgery


Gingival and Periodontal Diseases
Gingival and periodontal diseases include diseases of the kidneys that afflict the tooth gum and tooth restraint, so it's best to briefly mention the building (anatomy) of the gum and preservative tissue that is called periodontium.


Periodontal components
In general, the teeth are maintained and supported by tissue and buildings, called periodontium, so periodontal gum surgery contains the following components:

1. Gum
2- Jaw bone (alveolar)
3. Fiber around the root of the tooth (periodontal ligament)

Gum: It is called part of a periodonum that extends around the tooth and extends to the teeth on one side and on the other to the oral mucosa. The gum is only part of the periodonum that is visible in the mouth. Periodontal diseases and gum surgery often start from the gum region and are referred to as "periodontal diseases" in terms of "periodontal disease".
Jawbone (alveolar): The part of the periodonum that covers and holds the teeth is the same jaw bone. When they kill the teeth, they actually remove it from the jaw hole. When the gum disease progresses, the jaw bone is involved in the disease and is gradually degraded.
Periodontal ligaments: As noted in previous discussions, the teeth are relied on the bone cavity, which is the jaw, on a soft pad of connective tissue. In fact, teeth gnawing on a meaty pillow when they are being squeezed under the pressure of the meat pillow, and if this membrane was not thin, the teeth were glued to the gum swab and could not be removed.
The teeth that are called jaw wax, which are eliminated by gum surgery, are teeth that are tied directly to the bone due to the loss of these soft membranes, making it difficult to remove them. These ligaments are nutritionally and thoroughly developed at the same thinness and are subject to various changes due to various pathogens.

How Does Gum Disease Occur?
Does gum disease itself arise?
Does neglect and negligence lead to it, or can it lead to other factors such as inheritance?
And finally, how can it be prevented? This section of this article was dedicated to this topic and the goal is to provide an appropriate response to the enthusiasts.
The main cause of gum disease is the microbial plaque that causes tooth decay, with the difference that the acids produced by microbes in microbial plaque cause tooth decay and other toxic compounds produced from microbial plaques, Gum disease.
Among these toxic substances, endotoxins cause more gum disease than other substances. Endotoxins are poisons that are secreted from the bacterial strains found in the tooth plaque (microbial plaque) and spread around the gum. These toxins cause gum swelling and in fact become a periodontal progressive disease. Thus, periodontal disease causes the same rot of a bacterial infectious disease that begins with swelling of the gum. Gum swelling progresses if it is not controlled by preventive methods and becomes a progressive periodontal condition, which is only accompanied by scaling and gingival surgery in this phase. There is also anemia in the gum and bleeding from the alveolar bone destruction.


Types of gum disease
The progress of this process leads to the progression of tooth loss retaining bone loss and ultimately tooth decay. Therefore, gum disease can be divided into two categories of diseases that are interconnected and one another is as follows:
1- Gingivitis
Gingivitis is swelling and gingivitis due to the activity of microorganisms

Signs of gingivitis include:
- Swollen gum edges
- Red
- Gingival bleeding
- Sometimes itching and burning gums
- Unpleasant odor

Gum swelling There are gingivitis in all cases. This swelling of the gingival area between the teeth, called the interdental papillosa, is more commonly seen, and only disappears with gingival surgery and scaling. The gum, especially the gum edge, finds red bruises in all parts. In many cases, after a while, this condition is bleeding when brushing brushing. In this condition, the patient sometimes has burning sensation and itching in the gum.

In the morning, when it wakes up, it feels unpleasant taste and a bad smell in your mouth. Gradually, the disease progresses, and all of these symptoms are more pronounced. People usually do not pay much attention to early stages and do not go to dentistry. Sometimes they come back with symptoms that have become more severe and no longer tolerable to them. Inflammation and bleeding, and an unpleasant odor of them bring them to the office.


Gum Treatment and Surgery:
Gingivitis is heavily treated in the early stages, if it is due to poor oral hygiene. To the extent that teeth scratching and teeth brushing and threading are improved faster and all symptoms are resolved. The sooner you go to your dentist and start treatment, the better the complication.


How is gingival surgery done with lasers?
In laser gingivitis, it is removed with a potent laser of contaminated gums tissue. In areas of gum that has microbial contamination and gingival withdrawal, with the help of laser gingival surgery, we remove these contaminated tissues and allow the gum to be restored and repaired, and to the main position The original area was originally back.

Does gum surgery with lasers have pain?
No Laser is therefore continually reducing the amount of pain and discomfort to the patient and preventing the patient's gingival bleeding, and the final treatment is also much cleaner and more accurately done.

What are the complications and disadvantages of laser gum?
Laser gum surgery has no complications and no discomfort. The period of gingival tissue repair is faster, and fewer sessions are needed to treat a patient's gum.

What are the benefits of laser gingiva surgery?
A. Gingival surgery with lasers does not have pain.
B. When the laser is working, there is no bleeding.
C - In more than 90% of cases, it does not require numbness.
D. Because we do not have gum cut, so there is no need for gum suture.

E) the number of laser gingival sessions from the old treatment.


Types of gingivitis:
Gingivitis or gum swelling can be seen in several forms depending on its appearance.


1- Gingivitis caused by oral hygiene:
The cause of this complication, as its name implies, is poor oral hygiene and is most commonly seen in patients who neglect and neglects to brush and thread the teeth. Also, the most common gum disease is this type. Treatment is criminality and oral hygiene and responds quickly to treatment.


2. Gingivitis during puberty:
Which is dedicated to the maturity of children. It is usually seen in the age group of 11 to 14 years. This kind of gingivitis affects most of the upper jaw, especially the front of the gingiva, so during this period you should wash your mouth more and take more care of it. Usually, after the maturation period, the complication improves, and in some cases, the gums become swollen and become advanced stages.

In the case of tooth structure, it is formed from different tissues and this strengthens them on our gums. Tissues such as gums and jaw bones, as well as tooth roots that make the tooth firmly attached to the jaw bone. These disciplines are called periodontal ligament.

But sometimes it is necessary to practice gingival surgery. For example, when pulling the tooth of the wisdom, we must surely break the gum, and this is one of the times that the need for this is necessary. Our teeth are protected by a material to the enamel, which is very tight. The same idea is for the root of the tooth and is also protected by another material. But the strength of the material is much less than that of the enamel, which is why the roots will quickly decay.

The color of a healthy gum may be red or pink and is physically adherent to the teeth and surrounds it. But you've probably noticed that your gum sometimes bleeds when eating or brushing. These symptoms may indicate a patient's gum, because the healthy gum has a high strength and will not easily bleed. But it's better to tell the factors that cause gum disease, and sometimes even to the point where you feel the need for gum surgery. Because prevention is always better than treatment, and if you take care of it, you will almost never have oral and dental illness.

One of the major causes of gum disease in individuals is that they do not keep their oral health well, which causes the growth of bacteria in the mouth and leads to gum infections. You can easily prevent these diseases by brushing daily and drawing dental floss. The presence of mass around the teeth and where it leads to gingival and tooth attachment also causes over time to cause decay and infection in the gum, which can even cause you to have gum surgery.

If the mass is formed on your teeth, you will not be able to remove it by brushing it and using the toothpastes that are propagated to cure. In this case, it's best to go to the doctor to take the necessary measures to prevent the germs from infecting your gums and causing infection in your mouth.

Usually, when the mass of gums around the gums is accumulated, it sometimes causes inflammation of your gum and this is the beginning of the onset of oral and dental illness and can lead to severe infections in the gum. If this continues, you should go to the dental clinic for treatment and follow the instructions of a specialist dentist. Having a gingivitis infection can even damage your jaw bone. And it causes the gum to fall back and back. Damaging your bones and breaking them will make your teeth slip after a while.

If you ask a dentist, the worst complication of gum disease will definitely say that the teeth are flattening. This complication is almost such that it can not be done for that particular work, and so easily and with a simple observance of oral hygiene, the work has come to a place where you must say goodbye to your natural teeth. Usually, if you have enough toothpick, it will drain it.

If your teeth have not been plucked too much, then the bone loss in the jaw causes your root to be exposed to bacteria without any protection, and it will soon be rotted, and you will again have to repair the root and possibly get your teeth. But in this section, tell your friends a bit of gum disease symptoms, how that happens to you.

The first symptoms of this disease is the swelling of the gums. After swelling, the swollen area changes slightly and becomes colored purple or red. In this case, you sometimes get gum bleeding when eating or brushing. Be sure to check with your doctor at the first time, because it may be possible to prevent gingivitis with the advisors given by the dentist.
If you are overweight or you're a smoker or have diabetes, you're likely to be infected with gum disease. In this case, if you have daily stress, you should know that your body's defensive strength is reduced, which will lead to rapid progress in the disease. Of course, there are some people who have completely inherited oral and gastro-intestinal diseases.
Gingival inflammation usually occurs more often than the age of thirty years, and this is higher among men than women. Of course, in adolescents, reports of sore inflammation have occasionally been reported, but less need for gum surgery and no analgesic analysis.


Methods to prevent gingivitis

Now you can prevent gingivitis at any age by following a series of health instructions:

1- Twice a day with a toothpaste containing fluoride every 4 minutes for brushing.
2- Use dental floss every day.
3- Go to one of the Shafagestan dental offices for routine checking and scaling.
4. Follow the correct and balanced diet.
5. Avoid smoking.

Symptoms of gingivitis inflammation

But another interesting question is how can you soon discover whether you have gum inflammation or not? Based on the research that has been made, the disease has not reached its high and acute levels, but in general, the following symptoms can be considered:
If you find that it is bad for a long time, it can not be removed by brushing.
If you notice your gums are red or swollen.
If your gums are tender and painful and bleed without any reason.
If your teeth feel painful when brushing or chewing food.
If you notice that your teeth are too sensitive to heat and cold.
All of these things can be tracked, and they should not be passed by them simply and unimportantly.

Causes of gum disease

Gingival surgery is the removal of swollen burns and inflammation of the gums and eliminating the factors of bone destruction. Gingival surgery is done with complete anesthesia and should not be afraid of it.
The factors that cause periodontal disease are very numerous and each of them plays a significant role in the incidence and prevalence of it. The most important causes of gum disease are:
1. Microbial plaque: As mentioned earlier, the main cause of gum disease is dental caries and dental plaque, as well as tooth decay. And most cases of gum disease are caused by the same problem.
2. Nutrition: A diet rich in sugar is the second leading cause of gum disease. The sugars here also play roughly the same role as tooth decay. But the way it works is different. Here, toxic substances caused by microbial activity cause gum destruction.
3. Systemic factors: Many of the body's diseases have a manifestation in the mouth that often occur as gum disease.
Gum disease requiring surgery

Here are some gum diseases that require gum surgery:
Blood Diseases: All the blood diseases, including anemia, leukemia (leukemia), etc., appear to be the first symptoms in your mouth. For example, an anemic patient has gums that are bruised and pale and prone to bleeding, and so many anemic anemia suffer from gingivitis during sleep or during brushing.
The dentist should use special care when working for such patients, as well as a person with leukemia with a clear gum. And in many cases, the dentist finds out the symptoms by observing the disease and the patient refers to the doctor for treatment, and any work for a patient with leukemia should be made by the expert physician. Because these patients are highly susceptible to bleeding or infection, they should be avoided until the patient reaches the desired condition.
Bad breath and gum bleeding is one of the problems of these patients.
- Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetes or diabetes is one of the most important diseases in dentistry. Symptoms seen in diabetic patients are:
Dry mouth that increases dental caries and gum disease.
Dental and oral infections
Delay in healing wounds
Care should also be taken in these diseases when performing gingival surgery and dental work.

Gum disease requiring surgery

Here are some gum diseases that require gum surgery:
Blood Diseases: All the blood diseases, including anemia, leukemia (leukemia), etc., appear to be the first symptoms in your mouth. For example, an anemic patient has gums that are bruised and pale and prone to bleeding, and so many anemic anemia suffer from gingivitis during sleep or during brushing.
The dentist should use special care when working for such patients, as well as a person with leukemia with a clear gum. And in many cases, the dentist finds out the symptoms by observing the disease and the patient refers to the doctor for treatment, and any work for a patient with leukemia should be made by the expert physician. Because these patients are highly susceptible to bleeding or infection, they should be avoided until the patient reaches the desired condition.
Bad breath and gum bleeding is one of the problems of these patients.
- Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetes or diabetes is one of the most important diseases in dentistry. Symptoms seen in diabetic patients are:
Dry mouth that increases dental caries and gum disease.
Dental and oral infections
Delay in healing wounds
Care should also be taken in these diseases when performing gingival surgery and dental work.
Gum disease in children

Some think that gum disease is only for adults, while there are also oral and dental diseases in children, and in children, gingivitis and oral mucosal diseases are heavily exposed to a variety of diseases.
Gingivitis or swelling and redness of the gum edge are even more common in children than adults, and more than 90% of children in this period experience some degree of complications. This complication is caused by the lack of nutrition, the content of sweets and the lack of health care by children, and are usually self-healing, and in certain cases, this gingivitis persists and becomes puberty and afterwards, as pointed out in the decay debate. Children need special care for various reasons for various reasons, and parents should, with their help in oral health, be placed under the supervision of a pediatric dentist. Some gum and oral mucosal diseases are also seen in children.

Gum swelling

In this type of disease, the gums swell too much and cause the teeth to wound and make it difficult to eat and gums bleed and cause infection. This disease can cause a lot of problems for the patient to take an airborne medication and also to undergo gum surgery.

Gum surgery is one of the most commonly used dental sciences, where a discipline is considered as a separate one.
In many cases, a patient in the gum area may require surgery. This happens sometimes when a person's gum has a pain or a problem, and in some cases, the teeth of the wisdom may be jawbone, in which case the need for surgery is known.

The jaw teeth are called teeth that are glued to the depth of the gum and can not easily be drawn. As you know, in many cases, the teeth of the womb cause pain in the mouth and damage other teeth, so they should be removed from the mouth. In some cases, this can easily be done, and in others, it will be accompanied by a lot of pain and pressure, in which case gum surgery is obligatory.

We will now refer to some gum surgery methods.

One of these methods is a cavity surgical procedure in the gum. This method was most often used for cases when the patient's gum was uncomfortable and inflamed, or if we wanted to regenerate the lost gum. In our cavernous method, we have the advantages that we are deprived of in other ways.
In a cavity method that was founded by a doctor named John J. Chow, it was no longer necessary to transplant and remove live tissue from the oral cavity. This method was first applied to various materials and has been studied scientifically and systematically after numerous researches and studies.

This method has been developed in the field of revolutionary gingival surgery. No stitching is required in this style. As you know, in many cases stitching causes wound healing in the affected area, and if no hygiene is maintained on suturing, infections and the presence of diseases and fungi can disrupt the treatment process and even There is a problem other than the gum problem for the patient to be irreparable.

Furthermore, stitching inside the mouth, such as stitching, is not in the rest of the body, and this can not be done because the area is bad and not visible. In addition to all of the above, the stress that stirs up in the patient is very high and may even be transferred to the doctor.

The benefits of gum surgery

Another benefit of cavity gingival surgery is that the time required for surgery is severely reduced, and there is no need to spend hours and hours long to carry out heavy actions on the mouth. With the help of this method, in addition to saving time, the quality of work will also increase, and the patient will not suffer from anxiety and fatigue during surgery.
The other advantage of this type of surgery is very little pain and bleeding that comes to the patient. Perhaps one of the most important reasons for increasing the popularity of this method is that bleeding in this way is as low as possible. Low bleeding means that the risk of developing diseases and infections is greatly reduced, and the mouth is healthier and more secure.

In addition to all of the above, in this way, the patient will no longer have to pay extra for surgery, since cavity gum surgery is the least costly method of gingival surgery. Of course, while this method can be corrected in the shortest possible time and at a lower cost than other methods, the patient needs more durability and resistance than other methods.

How to cavity gum surgery

We will now examine the method of cavity surgery:
As initially said, this method is for restoring and restoring the gums that are damaged and, in other words, lost. In this style, after the disinfection and scrubbing step below the affected gingival line, a very small cavity is created in a portion above the gum line and is developed by special tools that have been developed by the pioneers of this style.

After the cavity has been created in the area, they will cut off collagen and try to stimulate them. The stimulation of collagen will continue to extend to the surface of the natural gingiva, and it will then be time to put the pins or collagen into the side glands and the papilla gland. This bond is made with suture, but stitching is completely different in other ways. Suture cavity is a transplantation between tissues and is very subtle and intangible, but in other ways it is not.

Dr. Chow, who is known to be the founder of this technique, believes that by using this method, only two hours after the patient can eat and brush regularly, and do any other normal work well as others do, while He will not notice any pain and bleeding. In addition, the damaged gum will regain its original shape and regain its shape, as is the case with other gums. And after gingival surgery, it can only completely resist in seven days. In most cases, this method does not require re-functioning in the gum.
Gum injury is a misuse and misuse of the toothbrush. So that it can damage the gum.

In the previous discussions, in order to have beautiful teeth and beautiful smile, we must have beautiful gums, and actually having healthy gums makes your teeth less damaged and your teeth are healthy and unproblematic. In fact, it's a healthy gum that has a normal, pink or red color, and is tight and firmly stuck to your teeth.

One of the ways to have a healthy gum is to brush your toothbrush. The teeth are connected by the textiles and tissues to the jaw that we call gums, and in fact the teeth are surrounded by tissues and the injury and sickness of each of the tissues causes the teeth to fail or It gets sick and it affects your teeth. In fact, your teeth with complete health, along with these tissues and textiles can have more complete health. These embossing tissues can be attached to the jaw bone, the gums, jaw bones, and narrow strands of the elastic genus, called the "periodontal ligament", whose teeth also depend on these cases.

Unlike sex, which has a dentin surface that is called "tooth enamel" and is very sturdy and durable and is located on the outside of the tooth, another part is to attach the tooth to the tooth root (dentin root tooth) by the material There is a "cementum" that protects the root of the tooth; it has a weaker, less resistant and rapidly rotting form, and less resistant to disease and germs.

Therefore, it should be well protected from the root of the tooth and do not let the disease spread to the root of the tooth and destroy the root of the tooth and thus the whole tooth. The healthy jaw bone is also effective in the health of the teeth. In fact, having healthy gums has the same germs as the seeds of the orange tissue, and these tissues are tight and firm so that they do not bleed and brushing The gums do not suffer damage and the gums do not bleed and have tight tissues and these tissues are neither loose nor plated, nor are there any dark and dark blemishes in them, which are themselves agents. And the apparent factors are having a healthy gum, and even when eating, it does not create the problems that we mentioned.

What causes gum and jaw disease?

The question now arises: What causes gum and jaw disease?
In fact, with the accumulation of germs under the gums, it creates a layer called a very sticky microbial plaque, which actually causes a variety of gum disease and also affects the tooth. And this is due to the lack of hygiene and toothbrushes, and the absence of floss, germs and bacteria in the gum, and the health of the teeth is compromised. In fact, not committing crimes and not referring to your dentist will cause a lot of problems in the gum, and if you do not use the points that the doctor says, our gum problem will become more acute and work on gum surgery.

When your teeth get crippled, your teeth will not be removed by brushing and flossing the mass, and you will have no way to go to the dentist and do the tricks that the dentist will do on your teeth to teeth Returns to your original state. Having the masses creates a lot of problems for your teeth, and in addition to the teeth, your gums disturb and inflamed.

Gingivitis also affects the appearance of your teeth, which also affects your beautiful laugh. Now, if you find a way to solve this problem and crush your teeth, then your gums will return to the normal state. But if you are late or untreated, you have no doubt that the gum tissue will disappear and the jaw bone will be destroyed and destroyed, and your appearance and health will be compromised, and then there will be no way for you. And the disease and gingivitis will come from here.

By actually analyzing and destroying your jawbone, your teeth will lose your supporting tissue and the teeth will become more vulnerable, in other words, loose or loose, and will no longer be endurable. In fact, laceration of your teeth is one of the worst cases in which the tooth can be placed in the position and your teeth will be swollen, and in other words you will have to teeth, and this is one of the worst possible cases for the teeth You fall and lose your teeth that will get a "pridevalle" disease, or gum and jaw disease, and your teeth will be very sensitive and warm and cold, and sweet and flavorful beverages. Which makes it difficult for them to go under their teeth.


The same mass causes the teeth to be separated from the bone and loosen, and the delicate strands that bind tooth and bone and jaw cause it to disappear and the tooth decreases its endurance. And the teeth can be torn and rooted by lowering their endurance, which is what bacteria do. So, with oral hygiene, regular brushing and the use of dental floss and a visit every six months to your dentist against a variety of tooth and mouth diseases and gums .... Secure it








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