Dental implant information
Dental implant information
Dental implant
Fortunately, dental implants are considered as one of the best solutions for toothless problem. People who have lost one or some teeth and have difficulties for using dentures can use dental implants.
Dentures create some kind of problems including increasing the speed of bone loss, some problems for chewing food and food digestion, lack of self-confidence because of problems in speaking, unsuitable appearance and so on. Except the patients who have lost all teeth; it means for the patients who have lost some of the teeth, it is possible to use partial denture for them.
Dental implant is based on the latest technologies. It has the least of side effects and can remain instead of lost tooth forever. It is worth noting that dental implants need care the same as natural teeth and the patient should use dental floss, toothbrush and mouthwash regularly to keep the oral cavity and gum very clean and healthy. Dental implant is the best alternative for tooth root because it has both the root and the crown.
Dental implant surgery has several stages. In the first stage, the site of the implant will be prepared and then the gum is cut to insert the fixture. After that cover screw is put on it and the gum will be returned in its main place by sutures. The second stage of the dental implant is done 3 to 6 months after the first surgery. In this stage, the cover screw is taken and a healing abatement will be replaced on the fixture to gain the correct form based on the gum texture around the dental implant. In the third stage, molding is done to produce a crown (fixed prosthesis) for the patient. In this stage, the abatement is put on the fixture. Then the fixed prosthesis (veneer) will be put on it.
Dental implants are made of pure Titanium or its alloys and/or ceramics similar to bone structure that are compatible with body tissue. It inserted in the jaw bone and has high compatibility with body tissue.
Removable denture is connectable to the implant. Dental implants can be planted immediately after pulling tooth out or after restoring the jaw bone and simultaneously with restoring the jaw bone.
It is necessary for the dentist to consider the available bone, bone strength and the suitable time for inserting implants while choosing the correct type of dental implants. If the available bone is not enough for dental implant procedure; then, it is possible to take some bone from other parts of the patient’s body such as pelvic, rib, maxillary tuberosity, chin or ramous for bone graft.
It is the dentist who should decide about the exact site of the dental implant, using screw or screw-less dental implants. The dentist should consider several factors for deciding about the above mentioned including the patient’s natural teeth condition, the patient’s gum condition, jaw bone volume, jaw relations and so on. It is necessary for the patient to have healthy gum and enough bone to be a good candidate for dental implant procedure. Dental implants need care such as natural teeth.
In addition to observe hygiene points, it is necessary for the patients to visit their dentists regularly (twice a year) to gain the best results in dental implants. Dental implants preserve remaining bone and prevent more bone loss and can preserve the height and width of the bone. In this case, bone quality will remain fixed because of dental implants. The best time for inserting dental implants is immediately after pulling the tooth out.
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