Nonsurgical Dental Implant Methods
Nonsurgical Dental Implant Methods
In this method, the gum is not cut so; there is no need to have it sutured. For this method, it is necessary to have enough bones so that the dentist has direct view to insert the dental implant. This surgery is implemented by using surgical guide without any bleeding and pain.
- Dental implant punch method: if the patient has suitable gum texture and enough bone; dental implant can be done without surgery and minimum pain and bleeding by the dentist. In this case, dental implant adjacent texture will have minimum injuries and fixation of it will take place in shortest possible time.
- Dental implant laser method: one of the laser applications in recent years is in dental implant surgeries. It is used for inserting implants, sterilizing implant surface, forming soft texture and so on. This is a nonsurgical method with minimum pain and bleeding.
Nonsurgical dental implant methods are suitable for patients with diabetics, smokers, patients with low bone height and width, the patients who need immediate crowns and/or patients who fear from surgery.
Some of the advantages of nonsurgical dental implant include reducing dental implant time duration, reducing pain and bleeding and swelling after dental implant, preventing bone loss after dental implant, preserving interdental gum and aesthetic aspects.
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