The best implant brand

The best implant brand is the one which its components are made from the best materials with long life span. There are lots of dental implant brands in Iran market and the dentist should select the best ones in accordance with the treatment plan. The dental implant components include fixture, abatement, cover screw, connection pin, healing abatement and plastic abatement. At first, the fixture is inserted in the patient’s jaw and then the abatement and the crown are put on it.
The best implant brand
The best implant brand is the one which its components are made from the best materials with long life span. There are lots of dental implant brands in Iran market and the dentist should select the best ones in accordance with the treatment plan.
The dental implant components include fixture, abatement, cover screw, connection pin, healing abatement and plastic abatement. At first, the fixture is inserted in the patient’s jaw and then the abatement and the crown are put on it.
Based on the abatement, dental implants are made of Zirconia and Titanium and these days Titanium is more popular because of its several advantages. A thin layer is created on the surface of the Titanium to preserve it against corrosion. This layer is very resistant against acid, salt and oxygen compounds. On the other hand, Titanium is completely nonmagnetic and is very resistant comparing to its weight.
The main advantage of the Titanium abatement is that it never causes any allergic reaction in human body. In this case of inserting it in the jaw bone; bone connection process will occur around it.
For selecting the best dental implant brand; it is necessary to pay attention to its components and the material they are made of to have the most successful results. If the dental implant has the written guarantee, patients will have no concern about it and in Dr. Sojoodi’s dental Implant Professional Clinic all dental implants have written guarantees with the seal of the manufacturer. It should be noted that implant guarantees are for patients’ lifetime in Dr. Sojoodi’s dental Implant Professional Clinic.
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