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Drsojodi's dental implant & cosmetic clinic

Dental implants for patients with osteoporosis

Dental implants for patients with osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is very common in postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis means reduced bone mass and strength. Bisphosphonate is prescribed for osteoporosis treatment.


Dental implants for patients with osteoporosis


Dental implants for patients with osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is very common in postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis means reduced bone mass and strength. Bisphosphonate is prescribed for osteoporosis treatment.

Dental implants for patients with osteoporosis - osteoporosis

It is very important to pay attention to the drugs that the patient takes for osteoporosis and also it is highly recommended to evaluate bone density as the first step for starting dental implant treatment. Patients with osteoporosis take some types of drugs in addition to calcium. These drugs are prescribed for them each week. Some of these drugs are excluded from their treatments gradually because of their negative impacts on jaw bones.


Osteoporosis can engage jaw bone; so, it is very important to evaluate the condition of jaw bones before starting dental implant treatment. Based on the empirical models; it can be said that osteoporosis has negative effects on Osteo-integration but this can be solved by proper treatment.

Based on the studies; it can be said that there is no considerable differences between the results of lifespan of dental implant in patients with osteoporosis and the others. Then, we can conclude that osteoporosis is not a barrier for dental implant.

However, patients taking Bisphosphonate should be aware of its probable side effects. But excluding this drug before starting dental implant treatment is not necessary.

In general, all patients that are taking osteoporosis drugs for several years should consult with their doctor before starting dental implant treatment. The doctor can tell them if excluding the drug is necessary for a short time.

New methods of immediate dental implant

It is possible to load the prosthesis on dental implant fixture immediately but the dentist should consider several factors such as quality and quantity of the patient’s jaw bone or some other factors.

Different methods for temporary veneer are as follows:

  1. There are several methods to shape and rasp the implant Titanium abatement directly inside the patient’s mouth. Then the dentist can use veneers made of cold cure to put a temporary veneer.
  2. Another method is molding implant fixture by close tray method. In this method; it is possible to provide a temporary screw veneer or a cement veneer for patient.
  3. In surgical index method; implant fixture is inserted in patient’s primary cast indirectly by Dura-Lay Acrylic. Then laboratory can produce the temporary veneer by using different techniques with metal or plastic implant abatement
  4. In direct method; metal or plastic temporary abatement is directly inserted into the mouth after implant fixture. Then, we can use temporary screw veneer or temporary cement veneer. 


    Dental implants for patients with osteoporosis   - more video

     Dental implants for patients with osteoporosis   - gallery



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